The Sea of Light, also known as Derya-i Nur, is an extremely rare and valuable diamond type renowned for its unique properties and profound spiritual meaning. Is it the largest diamond in the world? And do we have any idea where it currently resides?
What is the Derya-i Nur Diamond?
The Derya-i Nur diamond is characterized by its extraordinary clarity and brilliance, featuring a luminous and sparkling appearance that sets it apart from other diamonds. These gems are also incredibly hard and durable, making them ideal for high-end jewelry and other uses where strength and durability are paramount.
What Makes the Derya-i Nur Diamond Special?
Besides their physical attributes, Derya-i Nur diamonds are also believed to carry profound spiritual meanings.
- Many hold the belief that these diamonds possess a powerful energy that can help bring peace, balance, and harmony to the wearer. Some even believe in the healing and protective power of Derya-i Nur diamonds, making them highly sought after and valuable stones.
- It is one of the largest cut diamonds in the world.
The Meaning Behind the Name Derya-i Nur
In Turkish, Derya-i Nur translates to “Sea of Light”, a name thought to be derived from the diamond’s extraordinary brightness and sparkle. These diamonds are also known for their unique coloration, often described as bluish-green or turquoise.
In essence, the Derya-i Nur diamond is a truly unique and exceptional stone, possessing both physical and spiritual qualities that make it a valuable addition to any collection. Whether you’re after a beautiful and unique piece of jewelry or simply want to harness the spiritual power of the diamond, Derya-i Nur is worth considering.
The History of the Derya-i Nur Diamond
The Derya-i Nur has a rich and fascinating history. It’s believed to have been mined from the Kollur Mine in Andhra Pradesh, India. Discovered in the 16th century, it was initially owned by rulers of the Golconda Sultanate, later rumored to belong to the Babur emperors of India, known for their love of precious stones.
In the early 18th century, the diamond was acquired by Nadir Shah, the ruler of the Persian Empire, who was so enamored with its beauty that he had it affixed to the hilt of his sword, where it remained for years.
Eventually, the diamond came into the hands of the Qajar dynasty, who ruled Iran from 1794 to 1925. The Derya-i Nur remained with the Qajar dynasty until the early 20th century, when it was captured by the Russian army during the Russo-Persian War of 1826-1828. It’s believed that the diamond was then sold to a private collector in Russia, where it remained until the Russian Revolution of 1917.
According to some researchers, the diamond’s whereabouts became a mystery after the revolution. It’s thought to have been smuggled out of Russia and sold to a wealthy collector.
Despite its mysterious fate, the Derya-i Nur remains one of the most famous diamonds in history. Its beauty and rich history continue to enchant people around the globe, serving as a symbol of the magnificent art and culture of the Persian Empire.
Where is the Derya-i Nur Diamond Now?
It is currently kept in the National Bank of Iran.