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Lava Stone (Meaning, Benefits, Significance and Properties)

    Lava rock, as its name suggests, is a stone formed by the solidification of magma located beneath the earth’s surface, migrating through different layers. Rich in minerals, this rock has the unique ability to retain a significant amount of heat. It is among the stones that have managed to remain on the surface through various epochs and is now harvested from numerous locations around the globe.

    What Are the Characteristics of Lava Stone?

    The characteristics of lava stone can be outlined as follows:

    • It contains minerals such as iron, magnesium, zinc, potassium, and calcium.
    • It is believed to protect against the evil eye and warfare.
    • Known as one of the oldest stones in terms of its formation.
    • It was heavily utilized in alternative medicine during Ancient and Classical Antiquity, and continues to be used for health purposes today.

    What Are the Benefits of Lava Stone?

    The benefits of lava stone, which has been in use for a very long time, are listed as follows:

    • It has a profound and significant effect on the root chakra, opening it and thereby ensuring balance in an individual’s life.
    • It is used to clear and strengthen the mind.
    • Known to provide considerable benefits for those under intense stress, it helps individuals alleviate stress imposed upon them.
    • It is highly effective in treating muscle complaints and rheumatic diseases, thus it is often incorporated in treatments available at thermal spas.
    • Regarded as an evil eye and warfare stone, lava rock was utilized in ancient societies for protection against wars. Today, it’s chosen to prevent disagreements from escalating into more severe conflicts.
    • It’s one of the rare stones used in the treatment of mental illnesses and anxiety, notably calming those with high levels of anxiety and those taking depression medication.
    • It is employed for respiratory and cardiovascular health. Carrying lava stone can help individuals overcome shortness of breath in a short period. It’s also known for its blood pressure balancing properties.

    What Does Lava Stone Mean?

    Lava stone signifies tranquility, balance, peace, and protection from warfare. The meaning of lava stone also encompasses protection from the evil eye. This feature makes it a widely chosen stone, especially among individuals with strong energy.

    How Can We Tell If Lava Stone Is Real?

    To determine if lava stone is real, there are two primary methods used. One of these methods, common to all natural stones, involves applying heat. If no color change occurs after heating, it indicates the authenticity of the lava stone. Moreover, lava stone is uniformly colored, so stones with variegations are usually fake.

    How Is Lava Stone Cleansed?

    The cleansing of lava stone, which begins to manifest its effect with regular use, is achieved by burying it in the soil and letting it sit for at least 24 hours. Incense cleansing is also a popular method. Apart from grounding and fumigation, the energy of lava stone can be discharged with sunlight and water. Leaving the stone in sunlight and then holding it under running water for about 5 minutes will cleanse the accumulated energy. Unlike other stones, letting it soak in salt water can also aid in its cleansing.