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Najaf Stone (Meaning, Benefits, Properties and Significance)

    Najaf Stone, also referred to as the ‘Miracle Stone’, is a natural gem. Known for its ability to trap all forms of negative energy, the Najaf Stone acts as a protector of both the mind and body. Also known as Quartz, this stone is believed to provide freshness and peace to individuals due to its formation conditions. It is widely recognized and used in Turkey, and is a popular choice for crafting accessories like rosaries. It was especially sought after during the Ottoman era, frequently selected for making rosaries for the Sultans.

    The Najaf Stone is often confused with Crystal Quartz. Its distinctive feature is the bubble-like structure with trapped carbon dioxide inside, which is not found in Crystal Quartz.

    What are the Characteristics of the Najaf Stone?

    Known as Mountain Crystal, the Najaf Stone is considered a stone of luck. Besides immobilizing all kinds of negative energies, it protects the body and mind. The name of the Najaf Stone originates from its place of discovery, the city of Najaf in Iraq. It stands out as one of the most remarkable stones worldwide with the following characteristics:

    • The hardness of the Najaf Stone is 7, indicating its sturdiness.
    • Its specific gravity is around 2.65.
    • It appears colorless, white, pink, semi-opaque, or transparent.
    • It is associated with the crown chakra.
    • Contains SiO2 and silicate.

    What are the Benefits of the Najaf Stone?

    The benefits of the Najaf Stone span both physical and mental wellness, offering a diverse range of advantages. Some of the standout features of the Najaf Stone include:

    • Excellent for combating chronic fatigue.
    • Facilitates the expulsion of toxins from the body.
    • Absorbs radiation and shields against its harmful effects.
    • Considered a panacea for all kinds of mental and physical ailments.
    • Keeps the body in a balanced and healthy state, physically, mentally, and spiritually.
    • Cleanses the body of negative energies.
    • Provides strength and patience in the face of adversity.
    • Sharpens vision and is beneficial for the eyes.
    • Beneficial for the thyroid glands and can be used in the treatment of goiter.
    • Offers numerous benefits for the skeletal system, ensuring its proper function and aiding in recovery if damaged.
    • Enhances feelings of love and compassion in those who use it.

    What is the Meaning of the Najaf Stone?

    The meaning of the Najaf Stone is a miracle. Its ability to imprison all kinds of negative energy makes it a guardian of both the mind and body. Known also as Mountain Crystal, the conditions of its formation are believed to bring relief and peace, which is why it’s dubbed the Miracle Stone.

    How to Tell if a Najaf Stone is Genuine?

    To determine if a Najaf Stone is authentic, various methods can be employed. One should look inside a small broken piece of the stone. A real Najaf Stone’s interior and exterior must be identical. If they’re not the same, the stone is an imitation. The stone should be heated before the breakage process to prevent it from shattering.

    How is a Najaf Stone Cleaned?

    Cleaning the Najaf Stone requires regular maintenance. Here are some methods to cleanse a Tourmaline Stone:

    1. Placing the Ruby Stone near a candle flame can reset its energy.
    2. Washing it under running water for 4-5 minutes is necessary.
    3. By placing the stone next to incense and waiting for a few minutes, its energy can be reset.
    4. Its energy can be reset by placing it beside a salt lamp.
    5. Leaving the Najaf Stone in the soil overnight can reset its energy.