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Sagittarius Zodiac Natural Stones and Gemstones Properties

    Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21) is known for its curious, energetic, outspoken, philosophical, inquisitive, extroverted, enthusiastic, investigative, excited, optimistic, variable, passionate, free, idealistic, strong, emotional, and generous traits.

    Jupiter is its ruling planet. It is the last of the fire elements. The optimistic nature of Sagittarius is highly appreciated by their friends and family. They are very curious about the events happening around them, which can sometimes lead to problems. Sagittarians are eager for novelty, allowing them to learn new things and keep themselves updated. Their questioning nature can cause trust issues with others. Being idealistic helps them climb the career ladder quickly.

    Sagittarians don’t like to feel confined in their close relationships and expect freedom. They seek to build trust and look forward to experiencing positive encounters on both sides. To be with a Sagittarian, you need to be optimistic and open to excitement. They love being with people who can add something to their life, preferring to build a circle that will enable them to learn. Both Sagittarian men and women are highly energetic. If you are low energy and live a mundane life, a relationship with a Sagittarian might not last long. They enjoy viewing developing situations with optimism. They might avoid fulfilling promises and dislike taking responsibility. They love a life filled with risks. Sagittarians who love change can quickly grow bored of their partners.

    What Does the Sagittarius Sign Mean?

    • Element: Fire
    • Planet: Jupiter
    • Compatible Signs: Taurus and Virgo
    • Colors: Blue and Purple
    • November Stone: Topaz
    • December Stone: Turquoise

    What Are the Natural Stones for Sagittarius?

    Natural Stones for Sagittarius:

    • Topaz
    • Citrine
    • Turquoise
    • Amethyst
    • Chalcedony
    • Crystal Quartz
    • Labradorite
    • Lapis Lazuli
    • Obsidian
    • Peridot
    • Ruby
    • Sapphire
    • Smoky Quartz
    • Sodalite
    • Tourmaline
    • Star Stone


    Amethyst is a healing stone for Sagittarius. It calms, relaxes, and helps us achieve deeper sleep. It clears the negative energy around us.


    Topaz stone is a birthstone for Sagittarians. It’s essential for them to keep and use it close by. It supports inner peace and prevents emotional conflicts.

    Lapis Lazuli

    Lapis Lazuli stone has health benefits for Sagittarius. It balances blood pressure and helps those with weight issues by regulating their thyroid glands. It improves concentration. You can keep it on your desk while studying or at work.


    Sodalite stone prevents discomfort in our throat. It is known for enhancing concentration. Using it alongside Lapis Lazuli yields good results. It helps in logical thinking, enabling you to reach the truth sooner.


    Ruby enriches the Sagittarian wearer with its bright color’s high-vibrational energy, promoting socialization among people around them. It offers comfort and ease to Sagittarius individuals.


    Chalcedony brings optimism into the nature of Sagittarius. It supports us in being more sensitive towards our surroundings. It gives us confidence when speaking in public and also improves our diction. It neutralizes negative energy and boosts our energy.


    Obsidian, a stone for Sagittarius, acts as a protective barrier against fake friends and energy drainers around you.


    Turquoise, another significant stone for Sagittarius, enhances our social capabilities towards our surroundings. It can eliminate potential health problems and facilitates Sagittarians’ ability to express themselves more effectively.